Are contact lenses or glasses better? All the pros and cons

Contact lenses or glasses? Pros and cons

Sooner or later, those with vision issues find themselves wondering whether it is better to use glasses or try contact lenses. In this article we will provide a “map” to understand what the pros and cons of both vision aids are, starting from objective data.

Obviously, specific subjective needs must then be connected to these, in relation to the type of life one leads: sedentary, sporty, with many hours of driving, mostly indoors, outdoors, in contact with children, in front of the PC etc…

Certainly, whatever the final choice, it is very important to discuss and let yourself be guided by your ophthalmologist and/or your trusted optician. They are the best figures to turn to for doubts, considerations and to physically test the two solutions.

In the meantime, here are some observations on the various characteristics to take into account to start weighing a choice.

The pros and cons of contact lenses

Small and almost completely invisible, they prove to be the solution preferred by athletes, but not only by them. They offer a number of advantages, including:

  • They allow more natural vision, since they are placed on the cornea, so objects appear in the right size, without distortion;
  • For the same reason, by adapting to the curvature of the eye, they offer a wider field of vision;
  • They are suitable for those who carry out physical activity, as they do not move and there is no risk of breakage;
  • They are more comfortable for some types of work, for example those carried out in humid environments or where glasses are not compatible with the use of particular tools (e.g. special helmets);
  • They do not fog up when moving from cold areas to warm environments;
  • They do not create problems related to forehead sweating.

On the other hand, in other situations contact lenses are not ideal and therefore can present the following disadvantages:

  • Better to avoid them in living or working conditions in the presence of dust, chemical vapours, air turbulence and high altitudes, which make the use of “classic” or even special glasses essential;
  • Require more frequent maintenance;
  • They require adequate care of the lenses and daily cleaning of their case to avoid serious eye infections;
  • It takes a few minutes to apply them, depending on how familiar you are or where you are;
  • They reduce the amount of oxygen reaching the bulb, therefore they can cause or increase dry eye syndrome;
  • In the medium/long term (2-3 years) they cost more than purchasing glasses;
  • Use is unsuitable if you systematically take certain types of drugs but for these considerations it is necessary to speak to your doctor.

Advantages and disadvantages of using eyeglasses

At this point, we can also evaluate the other option, initially focusing on the pros:

  • They require low maintenance;
  • They can guarantee complete protection from UV rays and blue light thanks to special filters;
  • Wearing them reduces the need to touch your eyes and the likelihood of irritating and/or infecting them;
  • Given the durability and continuous innovation on the materials to produce them, on average they cost less than contact lenses;
  • The choice of models and colors suitable for every face shape enhances the person’s appearance;
  • They are a recognized style element.

The cons, however, can be summarized in the following points:

  • The temples of the frame prevent correct peripheral vision;
  • In movement and contact sports they are bulky and uncomfortable compared to lenses;
  • Moving from cold to hot environments can cause the windows to fog up;
  • In case of acute myopia, the lenses are very thick and this alters the perception of objects and the reality around us (everything bigger or smaller); furthermore, from an aesthetic point of view, they can become quite impactful on the face.

Who wins between glasses and contact lenses?

We therefore have a fairly exhaustive overview of the factors to take into account before making the final choice.

As already mentioned, you have to take into account the type of life you lead to understand which optical device brings greater comfort. Many people alternate between the two systems, reserving contact lenses for public engagements, sports and situations in which they prefer not to wear glasses, for example.

At the same time, there are those who consider frames to be a beauty accessory like jewellery, belts and bags, thus allowing them to express creativity and personality with particular shapes and colours.

Let’s also think about the undoubted convenience during travel: glasses are a zero-maintenance object, compared to other aids which instead require bottles of hygiene solutions and liquids.




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